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About Therese Patterson, NC~Nutrition & Wellness Coach

My passion is helping people be Fabulous Over Forty! After all, age is just a number, right? We can turn back our body clocks be taking control of our health and making small decision each and every day that add up to big changes in our health. Whether you’re making a mid-week dinner for your family or going out with business associates to a nice restaurant. People are overwhelmed with food choices. They want to make the right health decisions, but they don’t know how to go about it. Coupled with the fact that our bodies change each decade and our metabolism slows, we are faced with unfortunate odds. Not to worry, I’m here to help you become the fabulous you, you are meant to be!


The fact is we don’t become healthier by going to the doctor regularly or by taking the newest medicine. We become healthy as a result of incorporating small changes about healthy nutrition and overall well-being into our everyday lives. By working together to formulate a plan of action to meet your health goals, you can successfully start to make small changes that all add up to something huge ~ a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Every body wants to live their best life possible-let me show you how (and it really isn’t that hard)!



The vision for the Naked Truth Nutritionist is to provide guidance to empower people to make small changes that all add up to something huge: a healthy, balanced and abundant life. Therese strives to provide an environment that inspires people to be the best they can be by providing a combination of quality health solutions, customized nutritional cleansing, one-on-one coaching, a community for support and encouragement, and programs to integrate the body and mind to support overall health and wellness. Therese wants everyone, especially women in their forties, to experience all the joys of a balanced, healthy life.


Therese’s life-changing realization came soon after she had graduated with her BA degree. She had worked her way through college and was a successful business development & marketing manager for a healthcare software company. Like many of her clients, Therese was stressed out, and although she was a vegetarian at the time, her energy levels were low and she was completely addicted to caffeine.


Therese took the steps to make a positive shift to doing work she felt passionate about and absolutely loves. Since 2002, Therese started writing articles for many online publications, monthly newsletters and also studied homeopathics and learned about the various herbs, supplements and other alternative health remedies.  The progression to get Certified as a Nutritionist in 2011 was a natural one. “During my training, I had the opportunity to study many dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and innovative coaching methods with some of the world’s top health and wellness experts. My teachers included Dr Andrew Weil, Director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine; Dr Deepak Chopra, leader in the field of mind-body medicine; and many other leading researchers and nutrition authorities.”, and Therese reflects it was her best decision to date!


Realizing that food is medicine and truly the cornerstone of health, she knew she could inspire and share this message by helping people see and FEEL the effects of feeding their body well. As a self-proclaimed foodie, she combined her passion for health with an obsession for food into non cleanse non dieteasy programs so everyone could enjoy and feel the benefits of eating clean, whole foods without feeling like they were sacrificing. “If you have to label my personal eating style it’s eating clean and ‘paleo-ish’: veggies, ethical meats and dairy products when possible, healthy fats, fruits, nuts, seeds, sustainable fish and the occasional treat.”, after all, Therese proudly declares she is 90% health maven and 10% glutton!


An ex-corporate climber (and forty-something herself), Therese embraces her role as an holistic wellness coach and educator, while passionately advocating simple dietary changes that can have a profound and lasting effect on how we look, feel, and experience life. Since 2011, Therese has been helping people get healthier…and quickly realized she wanted to help even more people on a larger scale. That’s where her Workplace Wellness program came into play….Therese wants more people to feel healthy and start living their best life possible…especially after 40. She did it and she knows you can too.


I look forward to helping you be Fabulous Over 40 – The Healthy, Balanced, Abundant Way #HealthyBalancedAbundant!

I’ll be sure to tell you, “Nothing But the Naked Truth”





You can also connect with Therese on Facebook or through Self-Growth as one of their featured nutrition experts. Additionally, Therese contributes to the local community blog the Encinitas Patch and has more than 5,000+ monthly subscribers that follow her healthy words of wisdom and get FREE advice that actually works.


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Who’s it for? Anyone who wants to become more healthy, stop dieting and wants real action steps that actually work.


sign up does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.