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Picture this: a nutrition certified coach tells you everything you need to know about food and nutrition.

You learn everything you need to know about food & nutrition…at your own pace. You finally make all of those healthy lifestyle changes that you’ve been promising for the last few years. You’re positively radiant.

You are eating for E N E R G Y.

You feel better than you have in years, and you glow from the inside out.

The good news? You don’t have to just imagine it. I’ve put together this Clean Up Your Diet™ program to answer all of your burning questions about how and what you should actually be eating.

In the last five or so years, the diet industry has pushed consumers to choose a dietary theory camp.

You have to be paleo, vegan, raw, vegetarian, or gluten-free—or whatever diet-of-the-year happens to be on trend. God forbid you stray from your camp and you’re shunned, or worse you feel like a lying cheat.

The reality is that nobody wants to live that way and nobody really does.

Everyone’s sneaking around on their diets, so why force yourself to pick one way of eating when there are so many ways nutrient-rich foods available to prepare healthful meals?

Clean Up Your Diet will help you navigate clean eating no matter your mood or dietary desires.

No more labels. No more guilt. No more grocery store paralysis.

Sound too good to be true? It’s not. Join me and my fellow Health Coach, Elizabeth Rider, for this online program where you will get answers to all of your burning questions about how and what you should actually be eating.

This is not a one-and-done diet. This is an easy-to-implement lifestyle that will serve you for years to come.


Sign up here for program info + updates about our upcoming program.

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You’ll be 1st in line for special bonuses & get registration details so you don’t miss one iota of the good stuff.

You might be asking…will this program fit into my busy life? The answer is YES!

Participating doesn’t require major lifestyle changes all at once and was designed for you to fit into your everyday life. You’re not taking 21 days off from living your life.You’re just learning how to make life even better with healthy food & simple (but effective!) lifestyle changes.

This program is entirely online, delivered straight to your email inbox to complete at your own pace. But you won’t be alone. You’ll have access to the Clean Up Your Diet online community, so you can learn, connect, grow and gain inspiration from your new like-minded friends. Have more questions? View FAQs and get your burning questions answered.


“I was unsure that the online format would work but I LOVED it. I used the video sessions more like a podcast and I really enjoyed the flexibility. After the program I’m 15 pounds lighter, sleep better and feel better. Amazing”

Shannon Lundquist, 43 | Toronto Canada


You Will Learn:

  • Core concepts that will teach you how eat in the best way for you—no prescribed diets here. Vegan, vegetarian, raw, dairy-free, gluten-free, carnivore, Paleo, pescatarian — the list goes on and on. No one way is best for everyone; one person’s food is another person’s poison. I’ll teach you how to figure out which way is best for you, with the underlying concepts that make every human body thrive.
  • All about superfoods, including how to take the most advantage of them, and how to turn them into delicious, unintimidating treats.(E.g. how to make kale actually taste good, and what to do with things like chia seeds. And what the heck is quinoa anyways?)
  • What foods are actually poisoning you and that you should never ever eat again. Don’t worry, it’s probably not what you think. I won’t take away your most loved foods, we might just need to find healthier ways of eating them.
  • The critical importance of your digestive health and how to properly take probiotics and digestive enzymes. Your digestion affects every single system in your body — especially your immune system and skin health. Every system in your body is affected when your digestion is off. But don’t fret, we’ll get yours running like a well-oiled machine.
  • How to crowd out the bad stuff by adding in the good stuff that tastes even better.
  • How eating more can actually help you lose weight (if that’s your goal) and how no amount of gym time will get you the body you want if your nutrition is off.
  • What supplements are completely necessary (and which ones aren’t), how they work in your body, and how to choose what is best for you so you’re not wasting money every month. Most people are severely deficient in the basic vitamins, minerals and antioxidants needed for optimum health — you’ll learn how to not be one of them.
  • Easy home cooking tips so you can whip up healthy, yummy meals at home.
  • Meal planning that works.
  • The healthiest foods to choose at restaurants and parties so you can stay on the wagon and still enjoy yourself.
  • How to stay on track when you’re traveling.
  • How to save money at the grocery store and how to eat healthy on a budget.
  • How to make easy, healthy substitutions that you’ll love; these small things can add up to huge results.
  • The food-mood connection, and how our food choices affect how we feel, think and act. Every. Single. Day.

Think of this program as all of the one-on-one health coaching that you and I would do over six months wrapped up into one convenient (and MUCH less expensive!) online course.



clean up your diet 4Upon registration you’ll receive immediate access to your Getting Started Guide with loads of information on how to clean up your diet and life, including your suggested shopping list and resource guide to make your program a success.

Once the program begins, you’ll get an email from me every day for 21 days with videos, handouts, tips, action items, recipes and heart-centered vibes that will teach you everything you need to know to eat and live well. (And don’t worry, you can do everything at your own pace — you won’t be chained down to this program.) All of the content is yours to keep forever and ever.

During the 21-day event you’ll also take your custom AM and PM supplement packs, probiotics and digestive enzymes (included in the cost of your program) so you can feel the effects of what optimal levels of nutrients can do for your body. Clients are raving, see more testimonials here.

Since completing the program, I have more control over my cravings – I’m completely off sugar and bread! I love being free from craving food, and I’ve slimmed down a bit and have noticed healthier nails. This program helped me to implement lifelong changes, and I would absolutely recommend it to others!

Kendra Vondran, Mom of Four | Little Rock, AR



  • 21-days worth of content (as described above), delivered straight to your email inbox each morning, in the form of downloadable handouts, worksheets, audios and private, easy-to-access videos on my website. ($2,100 retail value if we did this in one-on-one coaching.)
  • Full month’s supply of customized AM & PM multivitamin + supplement packs that include my basic recommendations for vibrant health. The entire pack is pharmaceutical-grade (which is an even higher standard than organic), scientifically tested for safety of upper-limit dosages, and manufactured in an FDA registered facility. They’re also rated #1 in North America by 3rd party studies, tested by Consumer Labs, and come in convenient AM and PM packs—no bottles to hassle with. ($149 retail value.)

Your packs include:

+  A complete, super-charged multivitamin to fill in the gaps of vital vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that you might be deficient in or lacking. We carefully chose a comprehensive spectrum of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to support long-term health and well-being. This exclusive formula is among the most powerful and complete vitamin and antioxidant formulas available on the market.

+  A double distilled, mercury-free fish oil/omega-3 supplement for cardiovascular health (and shiney hair, pretty skin and strong nails).

+  An extra-potent anti-inflammatory grape seed extract + vitamin C supplement for immune health and anti-aging effects (on both the inside and outside of your body).

  • Full month’s supply of a pharmaceutical-grade, milk-free probiotic supplement to support your digestive health. ($30 retail value.)
  • 1 bag (9 servings) of a super-healthy, super-yummy meal replacement shake that you can use if you’re ever in a time crunch or on the go. This nutritious, plant-based meal replacement shake is right for just about everyone. It’s a clean, pure, vegan formula, unique for what it doesn’t contain – this shake is free of fructose, gluten, dairy, and soy. It’s packed with protein to give you sustained energy, and it has plenty of fiber to support healthy digestion. ($30 retail value.)
  • 1 water bottle/blender bottle to track your water consumption and shake up your shakes on the go when you need them ($9 retail value.)
  • Access to my private, members-only Facebook forum which includes other Clean Up Your Diet participants and alumni so you can learn, connect, grow and gain inspiration from me and your new like-minded friends.

Your box of goodies will be delivered straight to your doorstep at no extra charge. You’ll also have the opportunity to continue on with your supplements at a discounted price post-program. (Yay for discounts!)

The Clean Up Your Diet program was exactly what I needed to fine tune and organize my healthy habits. The daily emails delivered clear, concise action steps that were really easy to put into practice, and my body is thanking me! My skin is so much clearer than before and my energy has absolutely skyrocketed since starting the supplements. Love. Love. Love! Everyone needs to do this.

Amber Barry, Registered Nurse, Certified Health Coach | Collinsville, CT

 This program is worth well over $2,300. Because I love my online community so much, I am offering it for only $259 – a steal considering it includes your box of goodies, tax, shipping, videos, handouts, tips, and action items for the full 21-days.



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Questions? I’d love to hear from you. Contact me here, or email me at therese [at] NakedTruthNutritionist [.com]


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