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Prenatal Vitamin Confirmed Essential

When you’re pregnant, your nutritional needs are even greater than usual. So, taking a lower-dose one-a-day multivitamin and mineral prenatal supplement that only meets minimal pregnancy RDA recommendations may fall short of providing you with the right amounts of the right nutrients. When it comes to getting the best nutrition for you and your baby, […]

Free Beauty Videos ? ?

Happy Friday! My friends at Food Matters are hosting an online event that I’m excited to share with you.  After previewing the content I knew right away that it was a great fit with my own programs, and I’m excited to share it with you! This summit will guide you on a 10-day personal journey to […]

Eat for Energy: Gluten Free Meals that Make Your Mouth Happy ???

Did you recently start the GAPS, SCD, or a gluten-free diet? Do you want to improve your family’s eating habits, but life keeps ‘getting in the way’? Do you have tons of recipes pinned… but then you end up making the same 3 meals in rotation over and over and over? Then you are in […]

Can’t Sleep? Feel a little down in the dumps?

It could be a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is an element essential to your health, but studies have shown that 75% of adults in the U.S. are deficient!  In fact, a magnesium deficiency could be the hidden cause behind diabetes, migraines, insomnia, depression, and even hypertension. This element is a necessary catalyst to over 300 biochemical reactions that occur in […]

Wean Yourself off the Water Bottle

You know plastic water bottles are bad. But do you know how bad? Americans go through an estimated 70 million-plus water bottles a day, and a mere 14 percent get recycled. It’s not just that they’re taking up space in our landfills. Vast quantities of oil are consumed to make, transport, and dispose of them. […]

Top 10 Foods to Beat the Heat (Part 2) ✌️ ✌️

These foods allow you to keep the stove off and beat the heat with whole, healthy foods. Miss part 1, find it here. 6. Celery — it’s made up of 95% water, is high in potassium and naturally occurring sodium, and acts as a powerful diuretic—without making you feel dehydrated. This means you can safely flush […]

Top 10 Foods to Beat the Heat (Part 1) ✌️

I don’t know about you, but here in San Diego, California it  has been warmer than usual for July and August.  This instantly makes me want to say sayonara to the stove and turn to more refreshing fare. Here are my top-10 picks for summer foods that keep you cool, hydrated, and healthy! Watermelon — a no brainer, right? […]

This is BIG! [read asap]

Holy smokes batman! I just heard about new cell technology from world renowned scientists and I just had to share with you. It’s called cell-signaling technology and you definitely want to know more about it. There are two types of antioxidants: exogenous antioxidants and endogenous antioxidants.  Exogenous antioxidants are antioxidants that we get from foods and supplements […]

Back to School, Back to YOU! ✏ ❥

Hi Friends, I have exciting news for you! My online nutrition program is happening just in time for the kiddos going back to school, and for YOU to make yourself – and your HEALTH – a priority again! Clean Up Your Diet™ Spring Jumpstart | Register by Friday, August 26th. We start August 29th. This is the only session of my online program I’m […]

Organic Food + Updated Dirty Dozen & Clean 15 ? ? ?

People often ask me if I always buy everything organic. I’ll be the first to tell you that health coaches definitely aren’t always perfect! While I try my best to do mostly organic, it’s just about impossible to only eat foods labeled organic. Plus, when it comes to produce, it’s not always necessary. What really […]

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